There is a lot of traditions on Rab, but “Rabska fjera” brings in more than 10.000 tourists evey year. During those days (25-27. 07.) streets of Rab become a stage for a medieval festival, where artisans show their craft and produce, crossbowmen their skills and sharpshooting and everybody else just enjoys themselves.
Another great date comes around the last Sunday in April, when all citizens of Rab and Lopar celebrate Križi, an ancient pilgrimage custom started after a devastating plague outbreak in the 15. century, when it was thought that only God can save them from death. Pilgrims walk across the island all the way to the Cathedral of the Assumption in Rab, where they celebrate.
On the last day of the carnival, the Mardi Gras, people of Lopar celebrate a 150 years old ritual doning traditional masks (consisting of klobuk and vizera) and singing old folk songs, moving from one home to the other where they are greeted with food and drinks.
Other Lopar traditions and customs can often be seen during the performances of their folk culture and lore society “San Marino”, or at various ancient arts and crafts fairs held all over the island. If you get a chance try dancing the tanac or pojka, accompanied by mih, some kind of a local take on bagpipes.
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